Cuban health to improve response to aging population

Cuban health to improve response to aging population

Havana-. Today, an official source urged the accelerating increase of over-60s in Cuba, 21.9% of the population at the end of 2021, to continue improving the health system.

The Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) indicated that this age group is the only one on the island that is witnessing an increase and the most affected in the last two years of the epidemic, which requires a response to the increasingly growing needs.

In August 2020, the World Health Assembly declared the years 2021 to 2030 the “decade of healthy aging,” and then in December the United Nations General Assembly did the same, the country portfolio said.

Through a note on its website, it highlighted that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development constitutes the main strategy to achieve and support actions aimed at building a society for all ages.

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection said that the elderly will be the central focus of the plan, which will join the efforts of governments, civil society, international organizations, professionals, academic institutions, the media and the private sector.

He detailed the four areas of work that included improving the quality of life for those over the age of sixty in order to improve their quality of life, and the quality of life for their families and places of residence.

It included changing the way we think, feel and act about aging and old age, as well as ensuring that societies nurture the capabilities of older adults.

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It also provides integrated person-centered care and primary health services that respond to people over 60 and provide access to long-term care for those who need it.

MINSAP stressed that the world’s population is aging faster than in the past, and this demographic shift will affect nearly all aspects of society.

The text stressed the commitment of all countries and stakeholders to leave no one unattended, and set out to ensure that all people could achieve their potential with dignity, equality and in a healthy environment.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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