Cubans light up Got Talent Spain with a grave number to the beat of “La mujer del pelotero” by Baby Lores

Cubans light up Got Talent Spain with a grave number to the beat of “La mujer del pelotero” by Baby Lores

A group of Cuban acrobats, called Advand, lit a stage Got Talent España With A show full of dangers, tensions and emotions.

The seven Cuban youths, ages 25 to 28 who define themselves as “friends but semi-family,” have begun their numbers in rhythm. By and large they areApache, with some complex acrobatics in which they showed coordination, focus and strength.

The artists decided to increase tension and expectations between the jury and the audience, and on rhythm Player’s wifeBaby Lores has ventured into the popular jumping rope game, albeit with shocking complications.

The last number, although stumbling and shooting their nerves and the nerves of the spectators, managed to reach it and show something unprecedented on stage in the popular TV show, which has just begun the auditions of the sixth version.

Singer, actress and presenter Edurne, a member of the jury who has been on the show for the longest time, said, “What a brutality, I’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t know what to say, I was shocked.”

Although they did not get the difficult “ yes ” from presenter and writer Resto Mikhidi, known for his heavy criticism and surprised him with very few presentations, Cubans received a “ yes ” from the rest of the jury, allowing them to continue towards the next stage. From the competition.

On the same Friday, they auditioned for Got Talent España Two acrobatic Cuban youth, who were surprised by an unprecedented number in them They only moved through the air by their hair.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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