Diaz-Canel: We will open 2022 with hope and joy ‘Cuba’ Granma

Diaz-Canel: We will open 2022 with hope and joy ‘Cuba’ Granma

“We will open 2022 with hope. We will open 2022 with joy, because we can recover, based on all that we have achieved and all that we have planned.

This certainty was shared on Saturday by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez, with the highest authorities of the party and the country’s government, during a temporary meeting. The working group for the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus, in which measures designed for the upcoming holidays were also analyzed.

The head of state said that there are enough political motives, enough experiences of a difficult year, that allow us to celebrate the new anniversary of the victory of the revolution with the concept of victory. He stressed that the victory, mainly, is in the reality of confronting and controlling the epidemic, where vaccines are compatible with a great advantage.

He stressed that despite the measures to tighten the siege, the revolution continues. It is true that we have a complex case of imperfection – he admitted – but imagine what we would be like if we did not successfully confront the enemy’s plans. He stressed that “the upset, the frustrated, and the hopeless are today.”

He stressed that in this spirit of victory, we will celebrate the anniversary of the revolution and the new year, both: as a state, as a nation, a municipality, a territory, and as a family. “This is a family celebration, there is a big family that is all Cuba.”

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As part of the many activities designed in the country for the festivities, the President of the Republic insisted on those that should be undertaken to support the most vulnerable. He also highlighted the need to continue working in neighborhoods and prioritizing actions in districts in order to increase supplies and lower prices, two tasks many of us can do if we work together.

He also drew attention to activities targeting youth and children. He said that these were under tremendous pressure, isolated and subject only to the rigors of family life, and now they can enjoy a moment of relaxation and joy with a range of activities designed for them.

He stressed that our young people have also seen that their potential for enjoyment is limited and they deserve to benefit from it again. Above all, they deserve recognition for the role they played and the way they joined forces with the people to confront COVID-19: in the red zone, helping the weak, in international missions, and in the entire defensive battle of a revolution.

He stressed that they deserve credit for all that they have shown that they are confident in the future.

“We are going to the 63rd anniversary of a revolution, at the age of 63, it is a young revolution and it will remain young”

temporary prevention working group meeting Photo: Revolution Studies

We control the epidemic, but the virus has not gone away

The behavior of the epidemic in Cuba – for several weeks – shows a tendency to control that requires greater responsibility from everyone, in order to make the achieved containment of the virus sustainable.

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Commenting on today’s most important figures, the Minister of Public Health, José Angel Portal Miranda, highlighted the notable continued decline in the infection rate per 100,000 inhabitants in all provinces in the last 15 days, during which time it reached 1,625 cases. It has been reported in the country.

The decrease in behavior is also shown in other aspects: this Saturday 334 people were admitted to contract the virus, 50 less than the day before; And 14 patients were in serious or critical condition, the figure before the week was 23.

When communicating with the authorities of each province of the country, President Díaz-Canel admitted in a special way the control of the epidemic that was achieved in Mayapeque, where no new infections with the emerging coronavirus were reported for eight consecutive days.19.

On the contrary, it was noted on Saturday in the Island of Youth that after several months of controlling the virus, the epidemiological indicators began to deteriorate and nine cases were reported per day. “For the municipality, with your population, while the state is there, this is a lot,” the head of state considered.

“In the past seven days they had cases in all of them, what happened?” The chief wanted to know. From the island of Isla de la Juventud, it was known that the infection had begun to reveal investigations of travelers and control of two active outbreaks where violations of established protocols were verified, which resulted in 50 cases.

In the face of accepting these patients in their homes, President Diaz-Canel insisted on the importance of effectively achieving this procedure there, or else the number of patients would double. He stressed that “the core working groups for primary care must be vigilant.”

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We have the epidemic under control, but the virus is there – he stressed – now we must continue to apply and strictly enforce the measures, because if that does not happen, we will get rid of all the vaccination efforts that were made in Cuba.

Aygen Marsh

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