Diego Rivera: She is the beautiful and talented granddaughter of the famous Mexican muralist

Diego Rivera: She is the beautiful and talented granddaughter of the famous Mexican muralist

The Mexican muralist, Diego Rivera, has succeeded in staying within the history of art in our country and throughout the world; Another factor that distinguished him was that he was with several women, one of whom was Frida Kahlo, whom he married, but there were two women before famous painter

it’s about Guadalupe Marine Preciado, known as Lube Marine, who was distinguished by her intellect and considered one of the pioneers of the feminist movement in Mexico; I also worked as a writer.

Regarding Diego Rivera, who, despite his physical qualities which were much less than usual, was able to attract many talented and intelligent women; Although many people participate Rivera live with KahloIn front of her were two women, one of whom was Guadalupe Marin.

Rivera family life

Marin is featured in works such as “Un día patrio” and “La nica”, thus being his most famous novel. It is also developed as a model for various businesses Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera and Juan Soriano.

Maria Guadalupe was born in Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco on October 16, 1895; She was the daughter of Francisco Marín Palomino, a reposero by profession, and Isabel Preciado Cárdenas, who Dedicated to raise their children.

He later moved to Guadalajara, where he met the famous painter who was returning from Europe, having disagreed with the ideologies of Mexico at the time; In 1921 he met Lobby Marine.

Diego Rivera and Guadalupe Marine

By 1922, Diego Rivera and Lupe Marin were married by the Church and Civil Registry, just as Marin wanted. They had two daughters and divorced after 5 years Rivera Kahlo met.

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During 1927, Guadalupe Marine traveled and met her second husband Jorge CuestaHe is a famous poet, scholar and literary critic who had a tragic end. Together they had a son, Antonio Cuesta, who was raised by his paternal grandmother since Marin suffered from severe postpartum depression, which separated her from her only son.

A few years later, Guadalupe Marin and Jorge Cuesta broke up. I decided to travel to Europe Meet new people who encourage her to devote herself professionally to writing and prepare academia.

Diego Rivera girls

During this time, Diego Rivera’s daughters lived with and with their father Frida Kahlo in “La Casa Azul”, a place also attended by Marin to receive wonderful characters such as Leon Trotsky.

Under this panorama, girls Diego Rivera They were brilliant professional women who were respected in their academic guilds; Just like what happened with his daughter Ruth and Guadalupe.

Ruth Rivera Marine and Guadalupe Rivera Marine, who from a young age carried the burden of being the daughters of the famous mural painter, which also gave them the opportunity to enter various places for their vocational training.

His only granddaughter

Ruth Rivera Marine, the youngest of Diego Rivera’s daughters, was an architect and the first woman to enter the Graduate School of Engineering and Architecture at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. During his life he mainly devoted himself to teaching, but also engaged in various fields such as Literature, anthropology, theatre, dance and fine arts.

Diego Rivera’s granddaughter was Ruth Alvarado Rivera, daughter of Ruth Rivera and Pedro Alvarado, Studied communication and the environment In Vancouver, Canada, she worked as an independent coordinator.

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Ruth Alvarado Rivera died at the age of 53, and was found dead in her home located in Santa Ursula Copa, south of Mexico City; Your brothers are Pedro Diego Alvarado Rivera and Juan Rafael Coronel Rivera.

It should be noted that she was the only granddaughter of Diego Rivera, according to her tales Ruthwas grandpa “A tender, tender and fragrant painter.”

Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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