Djokovic will not be able to enter Australia for three years

Djokovic will not be able to enter Australia for three years

After deportation Novak Djokovic received the worst news of all: You will not be able to enter Australia for the next three years Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews confirmed in a statement Today’s show. The decision of the authorities may change according to the behavior of the number one person in the world.

“Djokovic will be barred from entering our country for the next three years. Nine-time Australian Open champion.

However, this decision can be reversed: If the Serbian maintains good behavior and the public interest of the country is in need, he will have the opportunity to return to the maritime country. Will Djokovic return to his backyard after several twists and turns, a disappointing dismissal and the disappointment of not being able to stay in Australia?

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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