Does watching TV make you hungrier? science answers

Does watching TV make you hungrier?  science answers

sit in front of the television Eating or having a snack after a long day is a popular pastime. thanks for the broadcasting services With today’s televisions turning on automatically for every episode of the series we’re watching, many viewers don’t burn even the few calories they need to reach for the remote control. But Does watching TV make you hungrier? The to know I’ve searched for it and had an answer.

Does watching TV make you hungrier?

You often sit in front of the TV and feel hungry depending on what you watch. The more you step back from the action, the greater the perceived motivation. Faced with this phenomenon, experts have only one question: Does watching TV stimulate our appetite?

According to Cleveland Clinic television, Not an ‘appetite stimulant’ so much as a ‘distraction’ from the last batch.

what do you mean? Well, when we are in front of a movie, We are committed to displaying audiovisual content In question, making Pay less attention to nerve signals and ‘hunger’ Which usually directs a person’s feeling of satiety. In short, we begin a process in which we engage in passive consumption of food, so that we can continue to eat while watching TV without actually feeling full.

Eating and watching TV increase hunger: a study

On the other hand, In 2015, a study published in the International Journal of Communication and Health Interview 591 students from the University of Houston. Research has shown that the more young people watch TV, the more they snack.

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Moreover, experts also found it Increased vision has been linked to a ‘fatal’ concept of healthy eating (Children are accustomed to eating unhealthy, high-GI foods and snacks) and poor nutritional knowledge.

Scholars also argue that some subjects will allow this It will affect your feeling of hunger Also depending on Duration of specific content of the movie. For example, if you’re watching an episode of Friends (no longer than half an hour), you may eat less than if you were watching a full movie.

What you eat based on what you see

In 2013, another study Published in the journal Appetite analyzed a group of 80 topics. The sample of the examinees was divided into two parts: in half Request to see Cooking show, to the other halfInstead, to see a documentary film about nature.

Subsequently, both groups received equal amounts of Chocolate covered sweets, string cheese and carrots. The researchers found that The first group of viewers tended to eat more sweets Covered with chocolate from the second.

Some scientific research has also questioned the harm caused by eating “distracting” snacks, concluding that if eaten in moderation, The latter will not particularly harm human health.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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