Drivers required and space redesign

Drivers required and space redesign

I wrote in Opinion The

Air Navigation Services has already begun redesigning the Yucatan Peninsula for take-off and landing of national and international flights.

The plan includes all arrivals and departures from Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatán. It is the second area to be reorganized in the midst of the Mayan train project and the construction of a new airport in Tulum, where about four million tourists will arrive annually, according to President Lopez Obrador.

The Mayan train is expected to blow up two or more tourists who currently come to the area, so he’s considering twice as many trips in Merida and Yucatan (currently 150 per day), Cancun and Quintana Roo (more 450 newspapers). Information accessible to this column indicates that there will be no return in the redesign across the country, as 59 airports are being considered. This will progress by regions. After south, you’ll follow the Baja California peninsula.

The project has already begun in Yucatan, after the remodeling of CDMX and Santa Lucia is completed, where the military is only expected to finish the project so that the controllers can take up their positions.

The aviation sector has a thousand and 50 controllers, however, there are at least 350 more controllers missing at this time. In recent governments, young people have not been trained to fill this kind of urgent job to work in the control tower, as well as to achieve successful controllers Alternates, whose age is about 60, who are practically in retirement. Victor Hernandez, Director of Aerospace Navigation Services, opened a call before completing the reorganization at CDMX, and 100 young men in their twenties were greeted, two of whom were discharged, having been diagnosed with suicidal tendencies. The others are doing their in-house training and they are the ones who will replace the retirees in the future.

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The official signed an agreement with Esteban Moctezuma, who was still the Minister of Public Education and shortly before going to the United States Embassy, ​​to raise the rank of commerce, and pass technical studies to bachelor’s degrees.

Another 100 students are being prepared to fill the places that will be required in Santa Lucia and the peninsula, where the rearrangement will take about two years. The nationwide redesign will be continuous from now on, as no changes have been made in the past 40 years and will be implemented, region by region, constantly to comply with international aviation requirements.


uppercut: The National Statistics Institute analyzes the sanctions imposed on President Lopez Obrador for violating the ban on public consultation to prosecute former presidents. The counselor suggests invalidating the result.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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