EastEnders stars pay tribute to Malka Barbara Windsor in tears at One Show

EastEnders stars pay tribute to Malka Barbara Windsor in tears at One Show

Ex EastEnders Actors Patsy Palmer and Shane Richie shed tears as they paid tribute to their beloved co-star Dame Barbara Windsor The One Show.

Soap stars paid a half-hour salute to the late Becky Mitchell actress on Friday night (December 11) with Alex Jones. She passed away the day before In a London nursing home after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

It was a deeply emotional conversation, and Patsy and Shane were particularly out of breath The One Show Behind the wiki bar was a vide that featured the iconic legacy of Dame Barbara.

“Are you okay Patsy?” He asked, as his longtime co-star reached for a tissue on camera.

One show, Shane Rich


After promising to go with the interview with Shane, Shane explained that he had “many great memories” with Dame Barbara over the years.

“Many memories of being on the set and listening to her tell wonderful stories. That’s it, I hope Patsy agrees, it happens outside the screen, sitting around and chatting,” he recalled. “What a beautiful woman, how much she cared about the show.”

Patsy recalled: “She’s the ultimate professional. I mean, you know, Shane was angry with all of us for laughing, but she had a laugh. She wanted to laugh, and she was always funny.

A show, Batsy Palmer


“That’s it, so many memories of hearing the news last night. On her first day, I was the first person she really hit.

In addition to the politicians, the stars who come from other soaps and his own stars Tribute throughout Friday, EastEnders Dame also released a moving report in memory of Barbara.

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A spokeswoman for the show said: “We are all deeply saddened by the loss of our Dame. EastEnders, He is our dear friend, he loved and admired everyone.

Becky Mitchell


“Our thoughts go to Scott and Barbara’s family. Be quiet Dame Barbara Windsor, MBE.”

For information or support on dementia, please visit Alzheimer’s Society Or contact them directly on their support line at 0333 150 3456.

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