Effects of emotion on sleeping better | Health | magazine

Effects of emotion on sleeping better |  Health |  magazine

Passiflora leaves are oblong, palm-shaped, with brightly colored flowers and edible fruit.

Passionflower is an excellent natural remedy to combat insomnia, whose sedative effects were appreciated by the Incas and Aztecs. In addition, it relieves muscle fatigue, migraines and mild anxiety.

This plant is among the best herbal resources to combat insomnia. It was actually used by the indigenous peoples, the Aztecs and the Incas, for its calming effects and was cultivated in their regions. The pulp of the fruit was used as an antiseptic, applied to snake bites and insect bites.

Emotion is It is native to Mexico and the southern United States, but since ancient times its cultivation has moved to the borders of the Inca Empire, in present-day Peru. Today it is also grown in Brazil and the Antilles.

Active Principles of Emotion

Photo courtesy of Dittica Ferrer.

The flowers are harvested for medicinal purposes at the height of their flowering. Among its main active principles:

  • Flavonoids, such as quercitol, luteol, vicinine, and vitexin.
  • Indole alkaloids, such as harmine.
  • Phytosterols, such as stigmasterol.
  • Coumarins, such as umbiliferon and scopolitina.
  • Caffeic acid is responsible for its antiseptic effect.
  • tannins
  • Maltol, Gynocardia.
  • Cyanogenic glycosides, such as PasflorinaOne of the substances responsible for its calming effect.
  • An essential oil with limonene and alpha beta-pinene. (I)
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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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