EL LIBERTADOR – Everyone’s diary

EL LIBERTADOR – Everyone’s diary

Various workshops are held at the venue such as singing, circus, acrobatics, creative space, cooking, etc. There are also recreational therapy groups or individual help groups, as the goal is to rebuild and reinvent the ways of coping for people with disabilities and mental health conditions.

Infrastructure. One of the rooms where the therapy groups are held.

The Marandi Foundation is a new space for rebuilding and reinventing ways of coexistence, through various modalities and thus creating a social transformation that enables the inclusion of people with disabilities, who suffer from mental health problems and / or self-suffering. The foundation is intended for young people and adults from 18 years of age onwards who wish to be a part of individual care and assistance spaces, support groups, and recreational-therapeutic workshops.
The founders are constantly working towards forming different groups, because at the present time due to the epidemic, there will be small groups with a share of four participants in each workshop, namely, singing, circus, acrobatics, physical activity, cooking and creative space.
Due to the pandemic, there can be no official opening, so since February, the institution has been open Monday through Friday, at Las Violetas (Norte) 277, in Barrio Jardín, upon arrival at Molina Punta. The building contains administration, kitchen, offices and workshop spaces equipped for the tasks performed there.


The Marandé Foundation arose out of a pool of expertise in hospitals, residencies, disability centers, and support homes, by the psychologists Cynthia Ojeda and Fernanda Cáceres, the psychoanalyst Guillermo Keynes, the therapeutic comrade Damien Ojeda, the economist and administrator Romina Ojeda, among others who helped create Enterprise.
“Marandi is not limited to its founders, but is open to receiving proposals from anyone who imagines, thinks or dreams, activities and projects that allow dismantling the mechanisms of separation and vulnerability that we all suffer from to a lesser or greater degree,” the founders said.
In addition, they work alongside professionals from the Centro de Día and Centro de Formación Laboral institutions, which consist of psychologists, therapy escorts, social workers, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, kinesiologists, and teachers from various fields, among others. Others with whom their goal is to actively work on social and societal inclusion, provide training in professions, and support entrepreneurship and attendant positions that require job rehabilitation.

an agreement

The Marandé Foundation, for now, is working alongside IncluArte, a comprehensive circus company, where eight free meetings will be offered for children and teens with disabilities, starting on Monday the 15th. However, they hope that in the future, the Workers’ Training Center can support the creation and management of different enterprises, either through protected workshops or other types of registration.

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to the future

In terms of future projects, they plan to enter into agreements with social businesses and regarding the infrastructure they want to expand a courtyard adjacent to the headquarters, where they can create some workshop rooms, a sum, a dining room, and a green recreational space.
Among other tasks that they have planned, they clarify from the Marandé Foundation that “it is necessary to inform and raise awareness about the validity of the various laws that provide coverage and assistance of various types and scope for all those who have social work. Also as the rights and benefits possessed by everyone who has a unique disability certificate.” .

Therapy workshops and groups

The Marandé Foundation offers different workshops, the ones with a recreational function or other professional or therapeutic purposes stand out, but all of them are organized around the same ideas: generating a kind of collusion, collusion and even accountability for the way those spaces live in. In this sense, the activities that the workshops focus on are stimuli for sequencing and addressing the difficulties that prevent relationships with others.
With regard to therapy groups, they assured from the Marandé Foundation that “these spaces are designed so that everyone can say or express something related to their own desire.” The difference with the workshops is the fact that in the groups “one is present with others and with others, in maintaining and providing support for the generalization of the word, gestures, phrases, events, those of their own and those of others etc. etc.. Transformational influences emanate from there.”

Business models

The proposed intervention approach has great affinity with institutional psychotherapy, for which they consider the institution itself a target for treatment, so that the same mechanisms of exclusion and isolation that come from the community are not reproduced. In addition, they consider that the cause of the organization must pass through participatory management which makes all participants in the organization active.
They highlighted, “From the Marandi Foundation, we aim to build a group that mitigates those engagements that are often hindered, and we place a commitment to accompany mergers at different levels.”
Then they added, “We appeal to the creation of a space for accompaniment and learning, as a place of reference for each participant and his social environment, allowing for the dismantling of deep-rooted social representations and the expansion of their potential.”

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En cuanto a los proyectos a futuro, tienen previsto realizar convenios con obras sociales y respecto a la infraestructura quieren ampliar un patio contiguo a la sede, donde puedan crear algunas salas de talleres, un sum, un comedor y un espacio verde de esparcimiento. 
Entre otras tareas que tienen previstas, desde la fundación Marandé explicaron que "es necesario informar y concientizar sobre la vigencia de diferentes leyes que dan cobertura y asistencia de diferente tipo y alcance a todos aquellos que posean obra social. Así como también los derechos y beneficios que poseen todos aquellos que tienen Certificado único de discapacidad". 

Talleres y grupos terapéuticos 

La fundación Marandé brinda diferentes talleres, de los cuales se destacan los que tienen una función recreativa, otros ocupacionales o con fines terapéuticos, pero todos están organizados alrededor de las mismas ideas: generar una suerte de complicidad, de connivencia e incluso de responsabilización del modo en que habitan esos espacios. En este sentido, las actividades en los que se centran los talleres son disparadores para encadenar y abordar las dificultades que impiden los lazos con los otros.
Respecto a los grupos terapéuticos, desde la fundación Marandé resaltaron que "estos espacios están destinados a que cada uno pueda decir o articular algo en relación con su propio deseo". La diferencia con los talleres radica en que en los grupos "se está ahí con otros y para otros, en sostener y dar soporte a que circule la palabra, los gestos, las articulaciones, las ocurrencias, propias y de los demás y que a partir de allí surjan efectos transformadores", expresaron. 


El método de intervención que se proponen, tiene una gran afinidad con la psicoterapia institucional, por lo cual toman como objeto del tratamiento, a la institución misma, a fin de no reproducir los mismos mecanismos de exclusión y segregación que provienen de lo social. Además, consideran que el motivo de la organización debe pasar por una gestión participativa que vuelva activos a todos los participantes de la institución. 
"Desde la fundación Marandé apuntamos a la construcción de un colectivo que releve esas participaciones muchas veces obstruidas, y fijamos el compromiso de acompañar procesos de inclusión en distintos niveles", destacaron. 
Luego, agregaron: "Apelamos a que pueda constituirse un espacio de acompañamiento y aprendizaje, que sea un lugar de referencia para cada concurrente y su entorno social, que permita deconstruir representaciones sociales arraigadas y ampliar sus posibilidades".


Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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