Elizabeth Gutierrez’s kids have cute details with their mom on her birthday

Elizabeth Gutierrez’s kids have cute details with their mom on her birthday

I wrote in celebrities The

Elizabeth Gutierrez Celebrate his 43rd birthday and Her children celebrated her in minute details They boasted on social networks. Christopher and Kylie surprised actress and model with a touching message.

The actress of the year started to divorce from William Levi That was followed by a series of scandals from the past. However, Elizabeth Gutierrez tries not to pay attention to her and assumes her best moments on social networks.

Elizabeth Gutierrez celebrated her birthday with cute details from her children

1st of last April, Elizabeth Gutierrez celebrated the arrival of 43 years surrounded by her loved ones whom she described as her best partners.. William Levy did not appear in the actress’s publications, rumors arose that she was not on the best terms.

What she did not lack was the congratulations of her children who moved her with their kind words. Christopher Levy shared a picture with his mother and wrote: “Happy birthday to the most beautiful and wonderful mother. Thanks for everything!“.

While Kylie Levy posted a video with Elizabeth Gutierrez, she wrote:I love you so much, crazy. You are the best mother I could ask for. Hope you have a wonderful day“.

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Muhammad Bourn

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