Elon Musk promotes the rise of shares in a video game and consumer electronics chain with a tweet

Elon Musk promotes the rise of shares in a video game and consumer electronics chain with a tweet

His shares have risen 30% since US transactions closed after he published a one-page link to Millionaire Reddit about Gamestop.

Shares of American company Gamestop nearly doubled on Tuesday, rising from $ 77 to nearly $ 148 in a single day. The rise was supported by a number of significant investors.

One of them is Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla and co-founder of SpaceX. In the afternoon, the entrepreneur posted a link to the GameStop page on Reddit on his Twitter account, where small investors are being mobilized and they are starting to rise by their actions.

Muskin’s post encouraged stocks to rise, and Gamestop followed a rise after closing U.S. stocks. The maximum number registered by the company is 3,243. They are currently trading at 9,209.

Earlier in the day, venture investor Samad Palihapitty backed the development, saying he had bought them for $ 115 in the morning and called for them to continue.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of 2021, the value of the company’s shares was 25 17.25. Thus, its value has increased about 14 times so far this year.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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