Ever Alvarado wins the lawsuit and the club responds with an arrow!

Ever Alvarado wins the lawsuit and the club responds with an arrow!


he Life club He still faces the problem of non-payments to players who no longer belong to the club, the latest to win a lawsuit against them Ever Alvaradowho are obliged to pay approximately one million lempiras.

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The 32-year-old defender demanded the payment of salaries, apartments and other shortcomings borne by the club to the former player. Olympia And Royal SpainSo the coconut trees will have to repay this debt in the coming days.

from TNAF The Sibinho team has already been notified of the ruling and is already required to respond to their obligations, but the Sibinho entity has responded to it. Ever Alvarado.

Life's answer

“We consider that TNAF committed an error by accepting the administrative claim without fulfilling the formal requirements for its acceptance, which violates the above-mentioned laws,” Vida's legal representative said. Marta Irene Mattotti.

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he life Claims that the payments you requested Ever Alvarado They are out of the context of the reality of the work between the player and Sibinho's team, which is why they ask for the case to be cancelled.

“We ask that the case be canceled from the admissibility of the administrative case submitted by the lawyer Lespia Johanna Alvarez Castro, on the basis of the lack of representation by the legal representative, due to the lack of essential elements, such as the inability to obtain representation and a document “ignored by the court,” he added.

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Likewise, lawyer Dr life, Marta Irene MattottiHe confirmed that the said debt did not exist and that the action before TNAF was not valid. He explained: “We demand that the aforementioned decision be returned so that it is consistent with the law and the sports contract.”

It is worth noting that Ever Gonzalo Alvarado He played a total of 21 games for the Coconut Reds in the Apertura and Clausura seasons for the 2022-2023 season. Now the defender belongs to Limino municipality From El Salvador.

Oliver Walton

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