Farewell, Marisol Gonzalez and Galilea Montejo de Huy are absent

Farewell, Marisol Gonzalez and Galilea Montejo de Huy are absent

The Today’s program Full of action! On Friday, July 2, the Morning Star on Televisa was surprised by the absence of a program Beautiful Galilea Montego s Marisol Gonzalez. Just a day after the former beauty queen announced that her end would soon come to Televisa’s Morning Star.

Viewers were thrilled to see Maribel Guardia and Tania Rincon come to Hue to fill their day with beauty and compassion. However, he was appalled by the absence of Galilea and Marisol.

newly, Martha Galilea Montego He has been away for a few days, but everyone will take a short vacation on his birthday, as Andrea Legareta will do next week; But the reason for his absence today is unknown.

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On the other hand, many believe that yesterday was the last day for the beautiful Lady Marisol Gonzalez, as she announced on Thursday that she will be taking a break from work to dedicate herself to her family, but other drivers have indicated that she still has more days on the air.

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Meanwhile, Maribel Guardia is one of the simultaneous guests, as her charisma and beauty are among the most admired on Mexican TV.

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Meanwhile, Tania Rincon confirmed that she will be Hoy’s next honorary captain upon Marisol González’s exit and confirmed that she has already received the “green light” for Galilea Montijo and Andrea Legarreta.

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Who will also be a part of today’s TV show is the handsome Gabriel Soto, who also did just a few days ago and talked about his upcoming wedding with actress Irina Paiva.

Muhammad Bourn

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