Federal takes color Basketball Federation Championship

Federal takes color  Basketball Federation Championship

Some important aspects about the competition were discussed at a telematics meeting this afternoon between CABB representatives and club representatives. Promotion to the Argentine League.

As commented by colleagues from Santa Fe Basket The symbols U23 and U21 for the 2019/2020 season will remain in this edition, which means that players born in 1997 will be considered under 23. Therefore, team composition changes drastically with this chart, there will be 6 major segments (greater than 1996 inclusive), 1 U23 (born 1997), 3 U21 (1999) and the rest are youngsters

Before January 20, a maximum of 50% of the final registration, which is US $ 100,000, must be paid. The list will be closed in good faith 48 hours before the start of the tournament. 3X3 will not be officially played as a pre-match owner

There are teams like Obras, Boca, Ober Tennis Club, and National League clubs that have pre-registered and will be able to partner with their Development League teams. It is clear for example that some other club may participate, perhaps Libertad de Sunchales

Lanus and Estudiantes de Tocumen appear on the list, with the possibility of being part of the Argentine League in the next few hours.

These are the 81 pre-registered for the new edition of the 2021 Federal Championship, subject to the localization presented by CABB this afternoon (in bold the teams coming from the 19/20 season)

– Metropolitan (17)

Racing club
Pedro Ichag
Hunting and fishing
River Plate
Moreno Indians
Portio student
Hurricane San Justo
Wild Sporting Club
Velez Sarsfield
Ramos Mega Lawn Tennis Club
Boca Juniors
Atltico Banco Provincia
Sarmiento de Santos places
Basket works

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Santiago del Estero (1)

Nicholas Avellaneda

Tucuman (4)

Belgrano de Tocumen
Tocumen students
Tavi Viejo workshops
Central Cordoba basket club

-Scape (4)

Tribune Salta
District Center February 20
Syrian Lebanese
Social and Athletic Sergeant Cabral

– Catamara (1)

La Rioja (4)

Rioja Bank
Atlético Riojano
La Rioja basket

San Juan (2)

Jahal Basketball Club
San Juan basket

Currents (3)

San Martin de Coroz cuata
Atlantic Powers
AMAD by Goya

Tasks (1)

Club Ober Tennis
Posadas Tokyo

-CHACO (2)

Endurance races
Sarmiento de Resistencia

Formosa (1)

Sun of America

Santa Fe (9)

Club Atalaia de Rosario
Santa Paula de Gilves
Sport Club Cadence
Sportivo de las Barrigas
Swardian athlete
Gymnastics and Fencing in Rosario
Nutico Sportivo Avellaneda de Rosario
Athletes Federation of Rosario
Biscuit wood

Cordoba (4)

Independent from Oliva
Atlético Bell de Bell Ville Library
July 9, Ro Tercero
July 9, mortar

Ben Ross (10)

Regatas Concepcin del Uruguay
Atlético Rosario del Tala
Birol from Rosario del Tala
BH de Gualeguay
Olympia Baran
Concordia Iron
San Jose
Capuchins from Concordia
Gualeguaychu Neptuna
La Onen de Colin

La Pampa (4)

All the boys are from Santa Rosa
General Beko Iron
Pico Football Club
Alpachiri Cashew

-Nyukin (4)

Argentine oil tanker

– Rio Black (1)

Social and Sports General Roca

-Good air (9)

Escobar athlete
President Derqui
Zarate basket
Somisa de San Nicols
Belgrano de San Nicolas
Mar del Plata Federation
La Plata students
Colin de Chevilkoy
Bergamino basket

On Saturday, there will be another important meeting where perhaps these topics will be decided in addition to some other topics, with an indication of the form of conflict between them and where there are some teams that are ignored in the competition.

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Oliver Walton

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