Fernica Castro captivates her wrinkles without filters or makeup and shows off her years with pride

Fernica Castro captivates her wrinkles without filters or makeup and shows off her years with pride

Age doesn’t matter, rather, wear years with pride, as the famous actress explained Castro paint By flaunting an image without Filters Nee Make-up, Where you can see a file Wrinkles She does not cease to look beautiful and elegant, with her charming look surrounding her colorful eyes.

Singer’s mother Christian CastroShe gave a lecture on security and self-esteem, because there are many celebrities of her age or younger who never show themselves without makeup for fear of “what they’ll say”, but draw Knows how beautiful it looks without using the classic filters everyone wants to use right now.

Fernica Castro shows off her wrinkles with pride

The photo captured the actress, who was 68 years old and had a long career, faced a lot of controversy in her life, most recently regarding her sexual orientation and her relationships with women such as host Yolanda Andrade and singer Anna Gabriel.

In the snapshot, which was posted by an extension company and shared later drawWe can see her standing in front of the camera in a denim hat and jeweled motifs, a look that mesmerized netizens who praised the actress in the original post.

Singer Christian Castro’s mother gave a lecture on security and self-esteem. Photo: Private

Although there are some comments to the contrary, the vast majority of the messages talk about how amazing she looked at her age and congratulated her for being natural, without introducing Filters Pictured is a woman who has gone by the years, but who continues to flaunt her beauty.

At the end of 2020, Castro paint He returns to the cinema with Tell Me When You, where her son Michelle is the photographer, in which the beautiful actress plays Will’s grandmother, the young Mexican-American (Jess Zavala) who discovered his plans when his grandfather died. I had to send him to Mexico.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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