Frida talks about Sophia’s father, Enrique Guzman

Frida talks about Sophia’s father, Enrique Guzman

Undoubtedly one of the worst family dramas of the year in the art media, the shadow of dark abuses flies over Guzman Saga, after the young woman Frida Sofia, Daughter Alejandra Guzman, His grandfather, he said, was famous Enrique Guzman, He had sexually abused her since he was five, and other men who were supposed to be her mother’s lovers did the same.

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“Suddenly, it started to happen to me again with all of my mom’s male friends. Well, not male friends, who were with me when they entered the hotel, I mean … how could I not be a little crazy?” During a recent interview he wiped away tears and hid behind a handkerchief Gustavo Adolfo Infonde It has affected the world.

The reactions of Frida Sophia’s family grew exponentially. On the one hand, a tear Enrique Guzman All denied, vision was impaired Alejandra Guzman He vowed to blindly believe his father’s version, and today he shared a clip on his networks in which he says he wants to help his daughter: “I give you my heart because I gave birth to you.” On the other hand, her stepmother said she trusts her husband’s daughter directly: “You need to know that I trust you,” she wrote as a sign of unconditional support for the singer’s granddaughter.

Instagram / Frida Sofia

Now your dad, Pablo Moktesuma, Break a spear Frida Sofia.

“I know nothing”

Moktesuma was surprised with some strong statements Gustavo Adolfo Infonde Although he admitted to his daughter’s grandfather and “was surprised to see everything that came to light”, he reassured his daughter that he was “one hundred percent” and that “I was in Miami with her and we talked about other abuses. Unfortunately he didn’t know anything about this.” Afraid to say, I think I would not have known what would have happened if he had known and seen this man.

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Frida’s father referred to his daughter’s maternal grandfather: “This man has always been disgusting and lustful, and he has abused her all his life.” Among other compliments he publicly devoted to her, he said that his ex-father was “a bad person, we never liked each other. My breakup with Alejandra, he was always insulting, Alejandra abused, I did not talk sexually, but he beat her, I cheated on her.” Said.

IG / Ale Guzman Ale Guzman

He continued to make cool expressions: “I love Frida and I always wanted to be with her. It was stolen from meHe was the one who incited my daughter to steal, they gave her the last name Guzman “and she said she loved Alejandra very much, but” she has a lot of problems because of her parents’ behavior.


Every time Alejandra went to see her father, she described how she came back drunk: “When I met Alejandra, she did not sing, but if her father was a famous person, why did he never support her? If she became famous, this man’s love would come”. He commented.


She vowed that Alejandra’s father was guilty of most of her addiction: “This man put her intoxicated, I know. Alejandra left her home.” Legs up, No affection before. This man will not leave her, instead of taking care of his daughter, he will put her behind him and openly say, he will reduce her money. “

As for the future of this very sad case, Frida is Sofia’s father He’s very clear about it: “He’s a little boy, he’s going to pay for what he did.”

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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