GETAFE / Minister of Science: “The important thing is not to have a digital connection, but to know how to use it”

GETAFE / Minister of Science: “The important thing is not to have a digital connection, but to know how to use it”

Minister of Science and Innovation, Diane Morant, Participate this Tuesday in Getafe in ‘Mayores’ Act. Breaking the digital divide with innovation and technology, choosing digitization as a tool for social cohesion.

In this sense, the Minister announced that “The most important thing is that there is no digital connection at home, but we know how to use it.” For this reason, he highlighted the work done in “digitizing” the elderly.

On the occasion of World Internet Day, Morante highlighted the contribution of REDINT, the public Internet access network of Getafe City Council, to improving the training of the municipality’s citizens and providing them with support in the use of information technologies. Telecommunications.

In this context, Morant confirmed that he was able to verify the work of elderly people using the Internet. Thus, he determined that he saw How do they consult health products? To make the purchase or how they “lose” their fear of electronic banking.

In fact, the minister pointed out that one of the main challenges of digital transformation is Building inclusive environments technologies that improve people’s lives.

The minister takes care of an elderly person’s use of a tablet computer.

Cross-sectional digitization element

Similarly, during his speech, Morant mentioned the government’s commitment to accompanying people, especially the elderly, in their connection to the Internet with the aim of enhancing their learning and access to the network.

She also emphasized the role of public administrations and policies in moving towards the digital advancement of the majority and avoiding digital exclusion that overlooks those who will not use the Internet or have few skills to do so.

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In addition, Morant defended digitization as a transversal component of government policies and noted that the roadmap that promotes the country’s digital transformation has a budget of 20,000 million euros for the period between 2021 and 2023, which represents about 30% of the total
of European funds for the recovery, transformation and resilience plan.

The Acting Mayor of Getafe also participated in this law, Herminio Vico, and the National Design Award 2021, Danny Saltarin Andrade.

The Municipal House for the Elderly and Getafe Initiatives (GISA) organizes its Redint . rooms Tablet management workshops for the elderly, To facilitate the access of the elderly to this technology.

According to the elderly counselor, Caceres Jewel The initiative seeks to give “independence to the elderly in Getafe, so that they can access the various contents of interest to them, which they acquire in their spare time, and they can interact with other people via the Internet, as has become necessary during the epidemic due to the epidemic to Covid ».

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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