Gian Marco spoke of Lucero’s harsh criticism of “If You Were With Me” | Megares | Offers
Controversy arose Lucero’s comments toward “If You Were With Me”, Song written by Gian Marco, during a virtual party with his ex-husband, Manuel Megares, the Peruvian singer-songwriter spoke in an interview with Ojo about it.
The artist did not reveal that the world press contacted him a few hours ago to ask him about the matter, but he does not know what to answer because he did not hear the words of Lucero.
I must admit that yesterday the media campaign that I had to do ‘Ventaneando’ started in Mexico and suddenly we were talking about my album and the journalist asked me if I had seen the live broadcast by Lucero and Mijares. Tell me immediately. “What do you think of Lucero?” And I had no idea what he was talking about. Until today, when I saw part of the video and clearly understood what happened, “ pointed out.
After learning the truth, Gian Marco was encouraged to clarify the matter and confirmed that he had no problem with the Mexican artist, who – according to him – had no problem writing a song.
Look: Gian Marco Zenago: “I’m nobody to tell who you should vote for.”
“I recorded that song in 2011 and Megares included it in a recording with many of my songs. But in Mexico the talk was that the song was written specifically for Lucero, and when I saw the video in which she was talking about the song, I realized that it was a joke, and it was not said in a bad way.”, Handle.
Then they asked me: Would you write the Lucero song? And I answered that of course. Imagine, Alejandro Fernandez, Pandora, Micharis, Hash sing to me, so if Lucero sang me, it would be the best song. I only had the chance to be with her one time, she is divine. Makes me laugh at the cause of all this joke“, he added.
It must be remembered that during a hypothetical concert, Lucero expressed his disgust at the song “If You’d Done Me”, which Manuel Megares once performed. I consider it “inferior”.
“One of the very bad things is the phrase “if you had”, very bad, very bad. I know you don’t sing it to me, but it’s really bad ‘, pointed out.
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