Guadalupe Piña asks AMLO for a space in the center to sell their golden brown

Guadalupe Piña asks AMLO for a space in the center to sell their golden brown

Guadalupe Piña, the famous seller of doraditasWhich was on March 21 Confused with tlayudas During the launch of the new Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA)ask the boss Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Support to have a suitable space where you can sell your snacks.

Opened this Saturday in Los Pinos Cultural Complex, “People’s Cuisine” exhibition, The Minister of Culture, Alejandra Fraustro, invited the young woman to participate in a gastronomic sample located at the House of Corn and Food Culture (Cencalli) in the Los Pinos Cultural Center, where everyone can enjoy the traditional dish.

In an interview with El Heraldo de México, Guadalupe Piña said she was very happy that her work had become famous, but noted that more than fame, what she is asking from the president is a decent place to sell, preferably in Zócalo • the capital where he is not attacked and intimidated by the police.

“Since Wednesday, I have sent a request to the President to give me a space in the Historic Center so that I can sell there without being bothered by the police, as they attack us many times and take the goods and scare my children,” the young woman said.

When asked if they had been offered space for sale in the new airport, she said she had not received any offer and that she did not like it because there were no people in the new airport.


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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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