Gustavo Bolivar confronts Alvaro Uribe and tells him “a lot of cafes”. What happened if Pietro and Uribe got along?

Gustavo Bolivar confronts Alvaro Uribe and tells him “a lot of cafes”.  What happened if Pietro and Uribe got along?

Senator Gustavo Bolivar went against former President Alvaro Uribe after the leader of the Democratic Center questioned the false positives. “I still think social tolerance is the way to reconciliation, but this guy doesn’t help. How dare you say that “false positives sounded like a strategy to insult democratic security”. Lots of cafes with families of 6,402 victims of this heinous genocide,” said Bolivar.

The phrase that upset the senator about the historic charter came amid some statements about false positives that have occurred in the midst of his government. Last Sunday, they sought to report “Any Fact?” , an introductory book organized by the Democratic Center and scheduled to be shared this Sunday at the Tequendama Hotel. However, the event had to be postponed due to connectivity issues with the former president’s video call.

Despite this, the former president was able to make some statements in which he defended his government and questioned the false positives, indicating that it could have been a strategy to influence his image. In addition, what was stated in the text of that report is well known.

I ask myself angrily, who came up with the idea of ​​killing innocents? False positives seemed like a strategy to insult democratic security and influence a government that won popular affection,” was Uribe’s phrase in the report that irritated Bolivar.

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And added: “Even the name would give the impression that the malicious minds were devised by those who should have enjoyed the tragedy that discredited our government and our armed forces.”

In the document, Uribe also referred to the report submitted by the Truth Commission a few months ago and He vehemently questioned what Father Francisco de Roo had put forward, saying that “the truth is missing.”

Uribe said the document they presented is not intended to become an absolute truth, but it is important that we have multiple visions. “This writing, with tired keys, has no claims to absolute truth, which does not exist. Doctrines of faith are absolute, and truth is relative which increases the degree of its approximation through argument. We want to contribute to that,” the former president emphasized in the report.

The leader of the Democratic Center stated that he had “the audacity” to write on the subject because the truth commission report fails to do so in many cases. He doubted that this institution, born out of the Havana Accords, would have an “anti-democratic” origin, because No won the 2016 referendum.

The Constitutional Court upheld this damage to democracy, and agreed to disregard the people’s rule in this way. The government cleverly introduced the constitutional rules, with express consent, In the counter-report, Uribe said that if the referendum was lost, it could be amended by democratic procedures and then they chose the Congress proposal.

The leader of the Democratic Center doubted that they spoke at the time with former President Juan Manuel Santos, but their complaint was “useless” because they preferred to please “FARC, Cuba and Venezuela.”

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One of the complaints is that the former FARC leaders have submitted to Congress without any kind of punishment. “For example, we suggested that those responsible for heinous crimes should not participate in Congress until after serving the alternative sentence,” Uribe asked.

The former president stressed that after more than five years in Congress, FARC members had not paid any kind of punishment nor reformed their victims.

He asked the members of the Truth Commission about their notorious ideological inclination, with the exception of Major(R) Carlos Ospina, who resigned from that institution for these reasons and later also filed a counter-report with his investigations.

“This omission is not surprising, the Truth Commission, which because of its mission must record events regardless of political leanings, Instead, it proceeded as a body in the service of promoting the agreement with the FARC,” said the former president.

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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