Health is conducting new population checks in 29 Andalusian municipalities in all governorates

Health is conducting new population checks in 29 Andalusian municipalities in all governorates

Ministry of Health and Families Junta de Andalucía will conduct new population checks in various municipalities in the coming days, Following the decision made by high-impact regional public health alert committees.

Specifically, according to the statement, the tests will be conducted in 29 Andalusian towns, spread in all governorates. Appointments will be announced in the next few days and people who voluntarily submit to them will receive a notification with information about where they will be staying.

Thus, in the province of Almeria, the screening will take place in Baccares, while it is in Cádiz will be in Chipiona, Córdoba in Guadalcazar, Belmez and Zuharos, and in Granada in Gujar and Pellegros. Also in the capital of Granada (Granada region) in the Clinical Management Unit Paula de Oro, UGC Casería de Montijo and UGC Las Flores.

It will be held in Huelva, in Calañas, Valverde del Camino, Manzanilla, La Palma del Condado and Villarasa; In Jeanne, in Argonella, Pozzo Alcon, Belle de Pesero, Huilma, La Guardia de Giann, Los Villares, La Carolina and Pisa; In Malaga, in Campbellos, Frigiliana, Kartama and Gaussen; youN Seville, in Castilleja de Guzmán, Carmona, Chucena and Hinojos – these last two municipalities are located in the province of Huelva but belong to the Aljarafe region.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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