Health Oversight Authority announces intervention after email from Isapre questioning constitutional agreement – G5noticias

Health Oversight Authority announces intervention after email from Isapre questioning constitutional agreement – G5noticias

After sending an email from Isapre Colmena to all of its subsidiaries, in which it addressed the topic “Constitutional Discussion of Important Information in April 2022”, and in which it included that after the agreement on the right to health and the new national health system was approved, the persons oversight body announced The Health Ministry said in a statement that it would intervene in order to protect the institutional boundaries within which Isapres can operate.

Part of the email states, “The law may decide to use all or part of your health contribution (currently, 7%) to fund this public system. Therefore, if you wish to continue with private health insurance that provides coverage for your attendance at clinics and providers The privates you choose, you’ll probably have to contribute twice: once to fund the public system and another to get private insurance. Whatever you choose.”

The Health Supervisory Authority confirmed that it was aware of this message sent by Isabre Colmina and that it had activated all internal procedures that allow it to document the facts and work within the margin granted by the law.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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