Health workers protested this #6th July in Los Andes

Health workers protested this #6th July in Los Andes


Workers belonging to the regional health unions protested in the states of Merida, Tachira and Trujillo on Tuesday, July 6, to demand that Nicolás Maduro’s government comply with the agreement signed by the national executive on June 17 this year. The protest day was repeated in various state entities, in response to the call of the National Confederation of Regional Trade Unions for Health Workers (Fenasirtrasalud).

“The vast majority of health workers in the state of Merida, and nationally, are cynical, because the minister, when he came to cancel with the official, says that there is not enough money, which is not so. The action taken to pay the wages of all workers,” José Benito Peña, a health worker in Mérida, who was the spokesman for the protest organized at the Hospital Universitario de los Andes (Yahola), told the press. In El Vigía, municipality of Alberto Adriani, demonstrated Health workers too, as well as in other jurisdictions.

Peña in turn called on the governor of Mérida, Ramon Guevara, to request resources from the Office of the National Budget (Onapre), so that health workers in the entity would not have to rely on the mission from Caracas. associative too The President of the Territory demanded payment, which, according to the complaint, is pending with the health sector.

“The call is yours, Governor, because you also owe us a 10% increased payment before May 1st, and that is the date you did not cancel.” Peña concluded by asking the Minister of Health to make payments through the payroll, not through the national card.

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San Cristobal Central Hospital workers join the national health sector protest this Tuesday, July 6 | Photo: Courtesy Luzfrandy Contreras

protest in Tachira

Workers at San Cristobal Central Hospital in Tachira state joined the protest on Tuesday. With the payroll in hand, Maria Ramirez, executive secretary of the regional union of health workers, stated that They had to collect between 80 and 300 million bolivars in the last two weeks, depending on their fees, but only 15 million were deposited., in violation of the government of Nicolás Maduro with what was agreed upon.

“These signed minutes do not remain a dead letter. Referring to the agreement document signed on June 17 between the government and Fenasirtrasalud, Ramirez said, we are applying and requesting that the corresponding payments be made in accordance with the terms agreed upon.

The spokeswoman also demanded that transportation and food fees be paid into the workers’ salaries account, as the latest of which is done through the national card and they must wait for up to a week until the amount is paid. Ramirez concluded by appealing to the regional government so that those who depend on them are approved and receive the same benefits.

Workers of the University Hospital Dr. Pedro Emilio Carrillo, located in Valera, in Trujillo, demonstrated. They refuse to pay wages through the home system | Photography: Maria Gabriella Danieri

3,000 workers in Trujillo refuse premiums

In Valera, the capital of the state of Trujillo, workers of the University Hospital Dr. Pedro Emilio Carrillo protested in the morning hours of Tuesday. Jose Luis Veras, executive secretary of the Trujillo State Health Workers’ Federation, stated that 3,000 workers in the entity are affected by non-compliance with the payments agreed in the aforementioned agreement.

Ferras told the press that they were paid for June, but did not comply with the month of May. “It was only paid in June, and they owe us for May and 60% on night bonuses on seniority. It’s more or less than 96 million bolivars, if we are talking about a type I factor. But The ministry is now starting to pay us like the Turks for a timeline that ends in September. At that time it was devalued,” the trade unionist denounced.

The workers explained that they will continue the protests during this week, as they refuse to pay the premiums imposed by the national system. We are calling for intermittent stops. Today there was a protest for an hour and we will have a press conference on Friday. How can payments be transferred to the national card? “It will not reflect benefits or holidays,” said Giovanni Filma, president of the federation.

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With information from Maria Fernanda Rodriguez, Mariana Duque and Maria Gabriela Danieri.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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