He’s driving his truck through a hurricane and this happens

He’s driving his truck through a hurricane and this happens

Once again, the dashcam allows us to see the consequences of driving in very bad weather conditions. In this case, the event took place in the United States, specifically in the Horsham area, Pennsylvania, and a truck driver was seen traveling on a highway and suffering the consequences of a hurricane.

hurricane winds

This pickup truck was attached to the windshield of his truck A dashcam, portable camera, allowing you to record what is happening right in front of you. Specifically, it can be seen how it rotates during a storm and several lightning bolts are produced accompanied by heavy rain.

The event took place at the beginning of September, and the video captured by the dashcam, which lasted just over a minute, shows how meteorology gets more complicated as the winds rise and the rain intensifies. In fact, a hurricane occurs which complicates the situation, since this type of meteorological phenomenon is characterized by strong winds, which are not uncommon, reaching 180 km / h.

Faced with this situation, according to local media, the truck driver tried to change the direction of the vehicle in order to offer less resistance to the increasingly gusty winds. Being an articulated vehicle, it is very vulnerable to strong gales, a very dangerous situation that ends as shown in the attached video, although fortunately without serious consequences of physical damage.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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