Holy Week: The Peace Foundation announces its readiness to spend a long vacation in 409 health facilities | Palm Sunday | Easter | Holy Thursday | Good Friday | holidays | Nuclear magnetic resonance | Peru

Holy Week: The Peace Foundation announces its readiness to spend a long vacation in 409 health facilities |  Palm Sunday |  Easter |  Holy Thursday |  Good Friday |  holidays |  Nuclear magnetic resonance |  Peru

In the context of the Holy Week holiday and in order to attend in a timely and appropriate manner to the insured who could be affected by an emergency situation, the Social Health Insurance (EsSalud) has ordered to declare a state of alert in its health institutions across the country.

Through a statement, the entity clarified that the purpose of the action is to clarify preparation and response procedures for EsSalud’s 30 service and assistance networks across the country. It is a total of 409 health institutions.

To do this, the Health workers will be aware of any unexpected event, particularly in the emergency services, intensive care unit, burn unit, delivery room, surgical center, among other critical areas.

It should be noted that each EsSalud network has contingency plans that include care workers, medicines, and other necessary components of healthcare.

Similarly, the Central Operations Department will carry out constant monitoring of health institutions and will report on emergencies, disasters or imminently dangerous events affecting the life and health of the population and the physical infrastructure of the aid centers.

EsSalud vaccination clinics will attend during Holy Week

During Thursdays April 14 and Friday 15 April, Holy Week holiday, the vaccination centers that will provide care during the hours from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. are:

  • Miller Beach (Jesus Maria)
  • San Isidro Labrador (Santa Anita)
  • North Square (Istiklal)
  • Surquillo Municipal Stadium
  • hollows (fence of lima)
  • San Borja Sports Center
  • San Isidro Municipal Sports Complex
  • Monumental Stadium (ATT)
  • Legends Park (San Miguel)
See also  The epidemic increases interest in health insurance for employees

When does Holy Week begin in Peru and what are the holidays?

Holy Week begins on Sunday, April 10 with Palm Sunday and ends on the 17th of the same month with Resurrection Sunday, so the holidays will be only Thursday, April 14 and Friday, April 15.

Employers can also extend rest days to Saturdays and Sundays, but it depends on each company.

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Because enthusiasm and faith are the most beautiful things in life. Hundreds of people in Ayacucho are hugely celebrating with magnificent processions and beautiful carpets in the streets to celebrate Holy Week. (Source: Latin TV)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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