Honduras will have the cheapest airline tickets in Central America

Honduras will have the cheapest airline tickets in Central America

“After we got the most expensive prices in Central America, we will now get the cheapest prices,” said Epaminondas Marinaques, president of the National Chamber of Tourism of Honduras (Canator), after the low-cost terminal went into operation. Mexican airline. You travel the country.

The arrival of Volaris in Honduras is a product of the benefits of the cheap ticket law promoted by President Juan Orlando Hernandez and is part of the use of a Honduran logistics scheme consisting of airports, airports, highways and ports that will benefit not only the country, but the region.

“So – Marinakys exposed – now with this initiative we can communicate through social networks (with different airlines) and see what fares are available and now with the low cost law, it will oblige other airlines to lower fares and be more competitive.”

“After getting the most expensive fares in Central America, now we’re going to get the cheapest rates and that’s great for us, because what we need is to expand the markets, so that people can have access to these low-cost airlines, because it was very expensive. Traveling to Honduras has changed. It,” he explained.

Volaris, whose maiden flight arrived at Ramon Velida Morales International Airport on Wednesday, will operate the San Salvador-San Pedro Sula route Mondays, Fridays and Sundays, and San Pedro Sula-San Salvador on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at low-cost rates. .

Low-cost airlines Air Europa and Spirit also operate in San Pedro Sula, with flights to Spain and several cities in the United States, respectively.

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“Something good is happening”

Marinakis praised the establishment of a prestigious company such as Mexican airline Volaris to operate in Honduras, as it sends a positive message in terms of job creation and domestic tourism.

“When we have companies like Volaris, that succeed in Mexico and come to our country, surely something good is going on here,” he said.

“For us, this moment (the arrival of Volaris in Honduras) was so unexpected and difficult, and we asked ourselves: What is going on with the integration of Central America? How can we have about 50 million Central Americans and not come to Honduras? Then we realized that the prices were So high that it became cheaper to travel to Miami, but that has changed today.”

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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