How many Post Crits scenes does Dr Strange 2 have?

How many Post Crits scenes does Dr Strange 2 have?

Mexico City /

The Dr. Gharib premiere In the multiverse of madness Here and with it one of the doubts that are usually resolved for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: How many post-credits scenes does the movie have? Then we will tell you spoiler free answer.

As it is already a tradition for comedy creator films, a movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch won’t end when the credits appear, since They provided us with additional scenes related to UCM.

How many final scenes does Doctor Strange 2 have?

According to Comicbook, once the credits start rolling out for the Multiverse of Madness, Marvel will delight us with two more scenes whose plot we will not reveal, although there are already rumors about it.

How long is Doctor Strange 2 for?

The Twenty-Eighth Movie MCUDirected by Sam Raimi, 2 hours and 6 minutesso you should be prepared to enjoy this plot from start to finish.

When will Doctor Strange 2 be available on Disney Plus?

although Disney has not set a specific date In order for this movie to arrive on its streaming platform, in 2021, the company has set a deadline for 45 days of exclusivity in theaters for his films.

Everything seems to indicate that this period will last until the movie can Be available on Disney Plus From June 20 this year, although we should be aware of the official information.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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