How much should I run to lose weight naturally? | Health | magazine

How much should I run to lose weight naturally?  |  Health |  magazine

Daily exercises are aimed at losing weight.

Going to the gym, riding a bike, all these work to lose weight, but they are difficult compared to going for a run. This is because it requires tools. However, the Run You just need a pair of sneakers which is a perfect choice to fight those extra pounds.

If you start running, it is better not to do it every day

When it comes to losing weight, The important thing is to move and burn caloriessaid Daniel O’Connor, professor of health and human performance at the University of Houston. Also, make sure that a slow walk or jog is not a bad thing, but it will take longer to reduce the extra weight.

A study published in the journal Medicine and science in sports and exercise He found that runners lost more weight than those who walked over a six-year period, possibly due to the afterburn effect.

Why does running make you happier?

“Running at a high intensity will create a burn aftermath, which is when your body continues to burn calories when you stop moving,” says triathlon coach Angela Rubin.

Experts suggest starting with three 30-minute runs a week, jogging for 30 seconds, and then recovering for 30 seconds to a minute.

Plus, it’s important to remember that in order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. “Weight loss is creating a calorie imbalance.Or when you’re using a little more calories than you’re consuming, let’s say 200 calories a day,” O’Connor says.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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