How to avoid getting infected again by Omicron Health | magazine

How to avoid getting infected again by Omicron Health |  magazine

Omicron is able to multiply in airway cells 70 times faster than its predecessors.

The covid-19 variant, ómicron, was discovered in South Africa last November. Compared to its predecessors, It is able to multiply in airway cells 70 times faster than its predecessors.

World Health Organization (Who is the) that although not all patients develop complications and, moreover, it is not as strong as Delta, it should not be considered a mild strain.

Although vaccines have been shown to be very effective in continuing avoid hospitalization and deaths, Infection can occur even with a full vaccination schedule.

“Re-infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 means that a person has been infected, recovered, and then infected again. After recovering from COVID-19, most people have some protection from being infected again. However, reinfections are caused by COVID- 19,” revealed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC has listed some tips that are necessary to avoid reinfection:

1. Get vaccinated against COVID-19 Once you call one. Also, consider your booster dose.

2. Use the mask correctlyFits well and covers the nose and mouth.

3. Maintain social distance At least 1.5 meters.

4. Avoid being among many people.

5. Avoid poorly ventilated indoor places.

6. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water And dry them well. If soapy water is not available, a disinfectant containing 60% alcohol can be used.

7. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommends that people infected, especially by Omicron, clean and disinfect personal use candles and the surfaces they use.

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The patient’s dishes and utensils should then be washed with soap and hot water or in the dishwasher. If the patient has already recovered, the CDC advises waiting “several hours” before cleaning and disinfecting. If this is done in less than 24 hours, you must enter the room and bathroom with a mask and open the windows for cleaning and disinfection.

8. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) indicates that if cleaning is carried out between 24 hours and 3 days after the patient has recovered, it is not necessary to sterilize, but rather clean the surfaces of the areas used by the patient.

9. With regard to washing clothes including sheets and towels, it is advised to set the water at the maximum permissible temperature and to dry it completely. If you intend to handle soiled clothing from a sick person, wear gloves and a mask.

10. Change the toothbrush. The brush should be changed at least every three months, and even sooner if the bristles are frayed. But if a person has COVID-19, SEPA advises changing it immediately to a new one. (I)

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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