‘I would have fallen in love with her’: the uncomfortable moment El Canelo Alvarez announced himself to Lucero (VIDEO)

‘I would have fallen in love with her’: the uncomfortable moment El Canelo Alvarez announced himself to Lucero (VIDEO)

Last Tuesday the Posada de . was shown Values Collection Financial where they were Lucero s Manuel Megaris, who were responsible for the entertainment of the event. However, the biggest surprise was sayCanilloAlvarez By dashing onto the stage and holding the microphone to perform a song.

The boxer took the opportunity to present her with flowers and dedicate a song to the call.”American bride“It is not surprising that the player himself declared a fanatical enthusiasm for the singer and actress. It should be noted that when he approached her, he kissed her on the cheek, bringing a smile to her face.”Canillo“.

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“Canillo” dedicates the song to Lucero

Lucero, for his part, brilliantly continued his display before provoking the audience who cheered the move with the boxer. This work led to Alvarez They will be encouraged to go up on stage to dedicate a romantic song.

sayCanilloAlvarez He performed the song “That and More” written by june Sebastian. during performance, Manuel MegarisThe singer’s ex-husband was close and did nothing but smile and applaud for what the world champion had done.

Immediately, this action was repeated on social networks where followers showed their enthusiasm to show the humility and chivalry that he showed “CanilloBut others pointed out that this gesture was due to the courtship of the Quintam interpreter, especially because of the kiss on the cheek.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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