“I would love to play with LeBron James”

“I would love to play with LeBron James”

At this point, it's no surprise the friendship and deep respect Draymond Green and LeBron James have for each other. A relationship in which the Warriors player usually has the most voice. The samples are endless, and Greene left another one on Shaquille O'Neal's podcast, Great podcastDuring which he explained that he “loves playing with LeBron.” The interior is full of praise for James' basketball IQ and leaves the door open for the possibility of that happening this summer.

“It's not that I want to be on his team [Lakers]“But I would love to have the opportunity to play together because I want to see how his head works on a daily basis in a basketball environment,” he stressed. The fact is that James has not yet made it clear whether he will take up his player option to renew for another year with the Los Angeles Lakers. The latest leaks confirm that anything is possible, and there are fines for tampering with less than what Draymond did.

In case it's not clear, Green It was explained today in Point game, another podcast, said that this possibility would only arise if LeBron went to Golden State. “Unless he comes here, I don't see that happening. If the Warriors still want me, I'll be here. “There's nothing that excites me more in the NBA than trying to win another championship with the team I've won four titles with.”

(Cover photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Oliver Walton

"Pro alcohol addict. Bacon scholar. Award-winning beer fan. Gamer. Social media expert. Zombie guru."

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