Ibagué :: Alliances invest in science and technology for rural Colombia | to the field
Gonzalo Sarmiento is one of Tolima’s most famous rice producers, which allowed him to be the union’s spokesman in Fedrose He held a position on its board of directors for several decades.
20 years ago Sarmiento was able to realize an initiative aimed at research in the agricultural sector with the aim of reducing high chemical loads in crops. And there he won a competition National UniversityAnd the Fedrose And at that time Colcencias Today The Ministry of Science and Technology, in addition to his personal pledge named Vital cultures.
Gonzalo Sarmiento, a rice grower in Tolima / Photo: Courtesy of Fedearroz
During this path, they achieved the creation of six products in the fields of bio-fertilizer, bio-fungicide and bio-insecticide where Reduce between 30 and 50 percent of a chemical load in crops. These products already have their own registration granted by Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA).
This entrepreneur from Tolima stated that the primary purpose is geared towards producing healthy food and throughout these years, legislation has been built in the country on the use and application of these materials with lower chemical loads in crops.
Colombia has many companies working in these areas of innovation and that is why they founded them Asobiocol, a Colombian consortium consisting of leading companies in the research, development, production and commercialization of biological inputs and environmental products to ensure food safety and environmental protection. Listen at Al Campo, to report by Harold Bonilla, from Tolima.
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