International Medical Center and Teaching Hospital will hold the 1st Conference on Cervical Cancer

International Medical Center and Teaching Hospital will hold the 1st Conference on Cervical Cancer

March 21, 2022 – 12:50 pm

Within the framework of World Cervical Cancer Day, which is celebrated this month, the Missionary Cancer Institute in collaboration with Dr. Ramon Madaraja”, The 1st Conference on Cervical Cancer, on March 23, 2022, 7:30 am, at the Knowledge Park.

The event, which is completely free, is aimed at doctors and health workers in general in the county.

On this occasion, the doctors, Dr. Angel D’Annunzio, Dr. David Rewaca, Dr. Nestor Fabian Tabari, Dr. Juan Jose Carmona, Dr. Mara Salcedo, Dr. Emanuel Acosta, Mauro Vignolo and Dr. Emanuel Acosta will speak.

During the meeting, topics related to cervical cancer in the field of gynecology, radiology and oncology will be developed, such as: methodology of diagnosis, examination, methodology of work in the cervical unit, follow-up, approach from images, application of MRI, MRI stages, pembrolizumab oncology in Advanced disease, radiotherapy, radiotherapy in locally advanced disease, planning, treatment, brachytherapy, planning, treatment, institutional experience in radiotherapy, current status of cervical cancer in Formosa, Corrientes, Misiones, current status of prevention program in missions.


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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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