It gives 200,000 pesos and two plane tickets to each of its employees | News from Mexico

It gives 200,000 pesos and two plane tickets to each of its employees |  News from Mexico

The passion was the moment Sarah Blakely, CEO and founder of American lingerie company Spanx, starred.Since he announced to his employees that he will give them two first-class plane tickets and $10,000 to spend, the equivalent of about 200,000 Mexican pesos.

Employees (some direct, some) tell about the sale and partnership with Blackstone, after 21 years of the company’s history and achievements.

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However, tears were really unleashed when Blakely They advertised the whole journey being driven to where they wanted in the world.

The businesswoman said, “I really want every employee to celebrate this moment in their own way and make a memory that will last a lifetime! Salute to 21 years of magic and many more to come…”.

In the video posted on their social networks, you can see gestures of reaction to the great news their employees received after years of hard work, Milenio points out.

The video has reached more than 860,000 hits on Instagram And of course, Sarah has earned the recognition of thousands of people, because few people invest in their employees like her.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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