Jeff Bezos lost $13.5 billion and there is concern at Amazon

Jeff Bezos lost .5 billion and there is concern at Amazon
Jeff Bezos has lostó  $13.5 billion after Amazon reported lower-than-expected profit

Jeff Bezos lost $13.5 billion after Amazon reported lower-than-expected profit

Since May last year, Amazon saw its biggest drop, dropping 7.6%. After it was revealed that the company’s sales forecast did not meet analyst expectations.

For this reason, the wealth of its creator and greatest shareholder, Jeff Bezos, by $13.5 billion after the US e-commerce company posted a lower-than-expected profit. That crash reversed 80% of the billionaire’s fortune this year, according to a report by Bloomberg.

Despite this breakdown, Bezos is still the richest man in the world, Before Elon Muskwith a net worth of $192.4 billion.

Jeff Bezos has lostó  $13.5 billion after Amazon shares plunged

Archive / Reuters

Jeff Bezos lost $13.5 billion after a sharp drop in Amazon shares (Archive / Reuters /)

David the speaker, Head of Financial Partner stone guideExplain why this fall. When it comes to the valuation levels we are at, professional investors are looking for a reason to sell. The alternative could be Delta, it could be the foreign policy of China. It does not matter. They are looking for a reason to sell because they know the ratings have been expanded and they don’t want to be the last to do so.

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But the Mongols shouldn’t be too concerned about such a steep decline, as one website suggested Bezos may become the world’s first “trillionaire” in 2026.

The Amazon founder was studied by comparison, site checked through software collected data from the list of the richest men in the world Forbes Over the past five years, calculate the annual growth rate of the wealth of billionaires on the planet.

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By applying this annual growth rate over the next several years, the study concluded that Bezos could become the world’s first trillionaire in 2026, at which time the Amazon founder will be 62 years old.

News of the e-commerce company’s shares plunged even more unnervingly did Bezos, who on July 20 completed a suborbital flight that lasted just over 10 minutes that left him at the gates of outer space in the rocket. New Shepard, designed by another of your companies, blue origin.

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Izer Hector

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