Joining forces for mental health education | Aharon

Joining forces for mental health education |  Aharon

As part of the efforts for Puerto Rico Mental Health Month, the Specialized Services in Psychology and Integration (SEPI) group has launched the #BienestarPR education campaign, with the participation of several public figures and influencers.

Life coach Lily Garcia, Actresses Ira Aguero and Wanda Sais, Influencers Lola Montella and Carla Ortiz of Ona Girl with Multiple Sclerosis, Actor Edwin Emile Moreau, Creator of The Afro Diaries Blog Ariam Rodriguez, Creator of Noting Awareness Claudia Rivera Sanchez, Blogger Developer PsicoVida Sonyaliz Camacho and Center United retailers, among others, will promote the topic conversation on their social networks and will encourage completion of the Emotional Well-Being Test, a 15-question questionnaire.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between August 2020 and February 2021, the number of adults with symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder recently increased from 36.4% to 41.5%. On the other hand, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Control Services (Assmca) recently reported an exponential growth in the use of the PAS line. In 2019, the line received 170,446 calls, while in 2020 it rose to 922,797 calls.

“Given the mental health crisis we are currently experiencing around the world, speaking and educating on this issue becomes even more important,” said Dr. Amaryllis Ramos: Clinical Psychologist and President of Grupo SEPI, a company that provides mental health services to the general public.

Dr. Ramos Rivera stressed that “to have strong mental health, it is first necessary to recognize if we have a problem or situation that affects us; then, take care of the problem and never stop evaluating ourselves and taking care of our feelings.”

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Grupo SEPI website ( Tools and educational resources on this topic. The effort focuses on managing emotions and stress, self-esteem, assertive communication and self-care, among others.

In the event you need emergency assistance, you can call the Assmca PAS Line 1-800-981-0023.

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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