Juan Gabriel: This is the detective line in which he compared himself to God video

Juan Gabriel: This is the detective line in which he compared himself to God video

Juan Gabriel He is one of the most beloved Mexican interpreters of all time, thanks to his great talent on stage, his great voice, and his way of composing songs for himself and many other great artists; But his life was full of troubles and controversies.

Within these big disagreements unleashed Divo de Jorez Every time he made a statement, he found a phrase that caused a lot of fuss within him Mexico And the world, especially the Catholic religion.

Since then on several occasions, in an interview at Primer Impacto and when he scored Fine Art TabletWhere he made his point about AllahJust like people started to think he didn’t believe.


Gwanga He commented that God is all good that one does, but he also said that he considers that without people there is no god, so he believes.

Then came the most controversial part of the statement, which made it clear that he is God.I believe in myself, and it is the same belief in GodJudge Divo de Jurez.

He later explained that he respects other people’s ideologies and believes in God through people, but the truth is that this belief was focused on people. In an interview with Primer Impacto, he concluded his statement ‘How not to believe … in peopleWith a smile.

the legacy

In addition to controversial phrases like this and that. “What you see is not judged“Juan Gabriel showed his love for people in his songs, which on many occasions were dedicated to dear ones such as his mother, sister and friends, the people he believes in.

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Today Divo de Jurez no longer exists in this world, however His legacy And the songs last so that all fans of Spanish music can enjoy their lyrics and tones in moments of celebration or sadness.


Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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