Juanes’ reasons to hate social networks… and he’s right

Juanes’ reasons to hate social networks… and he’s right

the singer joans, whose real name is Juan Esteban Aristizábal, shared a video on his Instagram account in which he admitted it He hates social media.

In the recording, the Colombian artist stated: “The problem I have is that I hate social networks, I hate them. It’s not that I hate social media because I don’t hate people, but I hate social media, What does that mean, what does it mean, what do you do“.

Juanes then introduced his wife, Karen Cecilia Martinez, and continued: “But Mrs. Cecilia loves social networks, my children love social networks.”

After that, the singer exploded: “Well, of course, it’s the same all day, I say, what am I going to invent, you don’t want to invent anything else, it’s worth watching the social networks% & the pu &% $. But Sissy loves them. “

To which Cecilia Martinez laughed sarcastically and replied: “To everyone, not just me. Well, he likes to gossip about people.”

Goans turned to him: “But not me, From time to time I gossipI accept that, I can’t say, ‘I don’t like gossiping’, I like gossip, but not always. All day waiting for that’s what everyone does, I don’t like it. I’m very busy and I have a lot of things to do“.

Although he expressed his hatred for social networks, Joannis adds on his Instagram account 4.3 million followers in addition to, He uses it a lot; On December 31 alone, he shared two videos, one showing how he trained to eat grapes in his New Year’s ritual and another to thank him for all the good things that happened to him in 2021.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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