Judge Javier Moscoso does not explain the reasons for the ruling granting the release of Jorge Glass | approach | News

Judge Javier Moscoso does not explain the reasons for the ruling granting the release of Jorge Glass |  approach |  News

“The judges speak of our judgments”, Javier Moscoso Cedeno, Magistrate of the Multi-jurisdictional Unit of Manglaralto, Santa Elena County, replied, He accepted the interview request submitted by this newspaper on the morning of April 14th.

Moscoso is the judge who granted him a Issuing a summons to former Vice President Jorge Glass, who was released on April 10. Glass was serving two eight-year prison sentences in the 2012-2016 Odebrecht and bribery cases in Latakunga, in Cotopaxi.

Officials said a press team from EL UNIVERSO was in the judicial unit in Manglaralto, but that Moscoso was not in his office. He was consulted by phone on the reasons for his decision; He initially said he would not speak so as not to be “taken out of context”. “There is my decision, if you have any questions I will make them clear to you.”

Javier Moscoso is the Magistrate for the Multi-jurisdictional Unit in Manglaralto, in Santa Elena County, which on April 9 granted a “subpoena” to former Vice President Jorge Glass. stock photos Photo: the universe

In the sentence it says that “inhuman and degrading treatment” can be verified against the former president in prison. But reports indicated Glass’s health condition, and the abuse he referred to has not been verified…

Read the sentence. And if you do not agree, there is a regular body, which is the secretariat (he did not specify what)…

Do not think that another more effective precautionary measure, such as the electronic limitation, could have been imposed, because it is not known exactly where Mr.

I cannot respond to those reviews. Contact politicians and council members, where they can give their opinions.

There are political sectors that question the speed of resolving the issue…

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He ended the call without answering.

A few days ago, in an interview with the channel AquavisaAnd “It is embarrassing for me, as a judiciary, to hear representatives of state authorities refer to me in a derogatory way,” Moscoso noted.

He added that he can take legal action, but will not do so because he is responsible for a multi-jurisdictional judicial office. For this reason, he said, “I don’t care what they say about my personal life.”

Al-Faqih had been in that judicial unit for four years, according to the records of the Judicial Council. (me)

Aygen Marsh

"Certified introvert. Extreme coffee specialist. Total zombie defender. Booze fanatic. Web geek."

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