Judgment against Larry Ramos: He has 45 days to pay Alejandra Guzmán’s debts | Algebraic

Judgment against Larry Ramos: He has 45 days to pay Alejandra Guzmán’s debts |  Algebraic

Mexico City: Larry Ramos, husband Ninil CondeHe was sentenced by the Miami authorities to return the money he got from 4 people, including Cynthia Villardi and Guillermo Carvajal, Former collaborators in Alejandra Guzman With the promise of many profits

According to Ventaneando, the judge in charge of the case issued a final ruling by default, since neither Larry nor his attorneys attended the hearings in question.

The television broadcast stated that “in the aforementioned ruling, the Colombian ordered, within a period not exceeding 45 days, to return the money that each of them gave him, within a period not exceeding 45 days, with a promise that he would make profits from the millionaire.”

Likewise, it is detailed that “according to Florida law, compensation totaling $ 859,000 $ 715 million, including interest, is only a fraction of the more than $ 27 million that Ramos believes has stolen all of his victims.”

At the same time, it is said that this ruling also opens up the possibility that victims’ claims become criminal and that the authorities of that jurisdiction are the ones that fully monitor compensation for damage, highlighting that among them is the FBI, which was accepted as evidenced by the sound of the conversation between Guzmán’s former collaborators. And Ramos, with the latter admitting responsibility for the fraud and that he lied to Ninel Conde.

It is noteworthy that the show also reported that while all this is happening with Larry Ramos, Ninell Conde on her part is enjoying a vacation with her siblings on the beach.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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