Kenosha will not prosecute the police officer who shot African American Jacob Blake | International

Kenosha will not prosecute the police officer who shot African American Jacob Blake |  International
Attorney Michael Crawley, during his press conference, was in Kenosha (Wisconsin) this Tuesday.
Attorney Michael Crawley, during his press conference, was in Kenosha (Wisconsin) this Tuesday.Scott Olson / AFP

Policeman shot in the back Jacob Blake, A young African-American left for paralysis, whose case was provoked Racial protests in the United States, He will not be charged, the Kenosha (Wisconsin) District Attorney’s Office said Tuesday. So the police officer who shot Blake, Ruston Shesky, will be released.

City Attorney Michael Crawley explained at a news conference that his decision not to press charges was based on a lack of evidence. “This is a legal and professional matter. If you do not believe you can prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt, you have an ethical obligation not to press charges,” Crawley said.

Blake, 29, in a scene captured by the cameras of witnesses’ mobile phones, was shot while opening the door of a vehicle carrying his three minor children. The incident sparked waves of protests against police brutality with blacks last August, two days after a White teenager Kyle Rittenhouse kills two teenagers in the same city amid unleashed chaos.

The president, Republican Donald Trump, and then-Democratic nominee and now-president Joe Biden stopped to discuss what happened during last year’s election campaign in Kenosha. White police officers have been implicated in other U.S. cities.

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Arzu Daniel

"Extreme pop culture lover. Twitter enthusiast. Music ninja. Booze. Communicator. Bacon nerd in general."

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