Knowledge and light Teaching challenge? – The sun of Orizaba

Knowledge and light  Teaching challenge?  – The sun of Orizaba

One of the most rewarding, but not necessarily easy, activities is teaching. Although each school level has a special challenge for the teacher, they all base the success of the strategy on their ability to maintain the student’s attention and interest, but to do this the challenge is to achieve what motivates the student? o That the teacher does not lose motivation?

The reason some co-actors are unmotivated has three simple origins: temperament, age, and the tools they have to adapt to the social and technological environment. Therefore, given that stress affects individuals’ behavior, taking control of the situation and finding a practical goal will allow teachers and students to feel motivated.

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Faced with a scenario in which the main distraction is the playful use of technology by students, teachers, regardless of the academic degree they attend, must use technology to their advantage, as this will allow them to establish empathetic relationships that demonstrate an intention of inclusion. Versatile and eager to receive continuous training. Therefore, should the teacher innovate?

A professional who is not updated by teacher training courses, discipline or interaction with specialists is limited in determining the best method of teaching, which will certainly awaken curiosity and creativity in school children. A motivated student is one who feels part of the group through voice and vote to contribute to the innovation of his or her learning practices.

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Although a teacher is not obligated to be a friend to his students, he must understand their concerns, and foster an environment of friendliness, communication and respect. This environment will allow teachers and students, as a team, to meet the challenge of generating innovative teaching and learning strategies. Ultimately, the important thing is that we all learn more and from the best.

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*National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Institute of Ultraviolet Neuroscience

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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