Saturday game controversy between Laneros and Union Magdalena In promotional football, in the 96th minute, with an unheard of goal in the world, he played in action. The main meeting between the commissions was held on Monday Demeyer, The Football Association and the Ministry of Sports, to define the roadmap and determine whether there were any irregularities that led to the influence at the end of the match, which was a matter for the Samaritan team.
(You may be interested in: Demayer B asked to meet prosecutor’s office due to corruption)
Football officials, with the support of the government, began special meetings at 10 a.m. Monday. The meeting was attended by members of the Discipline, Ethics and Championship Commissions, along with DeMire Chairman Fernando Jaramillo.
Left to right: Fernando Gerarmelo, Guillermo Herrera and Ramon Jesurun.
In a scandal that led to national and international rejection, rejection on social media and a scandal that led to the president’s complaint, Colombian Confederation President Ramon Jesurun and Sports Minister Guillermo Herrera were there to discuss what happened. Republican, Ivan Duke.
After the meeting, Jaramillo announced to the media that he would launch an investigation, which would lead to sports bans but not to criminal bans, if the prosecutor’s office finds that there is an error.
“The Disciplinary Commission is responsible for the investigation. It was created by Guillermo Ferro, José Alberto Gaitán and Gerardo Espinoza … We are going to do this in the national government agency headed by the Minister of Sports. I have made a face-to-face meeting with Attorney General Francisco Barbosa. It is important that the prosecutor’s office is activated and that in some way it enables a parallel investigation, “said Jarrilo. In addition, he talked about possible obstacles.
(Read more: Millonarios scored one point in Ibagué and gave two more on erroneous penalties)
We are going to permanently monitor all these activities and we are celebrating the functioning of the groups. In addition, we request the assistance of the Attorney’s Office
Minister Herrera, for his part, assured that the inquiry would be closely followed: “We are going to permanently monitor all these activities and we celebrate the functioning of the committees. In addition, we are seeking the assistance of the Attorney General’s Office. “
The former lawyer complained
Against Laneros. Union Magdalena
Demeyer – Visor Image
It was also learned that on Monday morning former lawyer Mario Iguran had lodged a complaint for private corruption. This, according to the document, suggests that fans who have invested in legal bookmakers may be lagging behind.
(Read more: Mario Iguaran Llaneros Vs. Union Magdalena)
“They may have been deceived by the loss of property against them, which translates into a potential benefit to those who know the real motives and motives behind this bizarre chapter.”
The material also reached Since the House of Representatives, the Seventh Commission will bring the Minister of Sports under political control, he can talk about what happened in B, among other football matters.
Furthermore, the Fortaleza club, which was affected by the decision, filed a lawsuit with the Disciplinary Commission seeking suspension of the promotion for non-promotion. Another B club, Bogotá FC, joined at his request. Allianzo Petrolera also publicly supported this.
From Fortaleza they called it “cheating” and “corruption” and DT Nelson Flórez’s crying pictures spread around the world, while at the same time he felt “stolen”.
Millonarios issued a statement on Monday clarifying what had happened in the ad, due to the image of Colombian football.
(Read more: Strength will be maintained: they will demand and wait for the promotion to stop)
‘I did not sell myself’
In the midst of the scandal, the version revealed what had happened due to a possible indirect pact between Laneros and Union Magdalena players seeking revenge against Fortaleza for the refereeing circumstances that arose against that team.
(Read more: See the slanderous and unheard target of Union Magdalena’s promotion)
Meanwhile, a Laneros footballer broke the silence and left a message on social networks in which he denied selling. This is about Manuel Gonzalez, who said: “With my heart in my hand and my conscience clear, I did not gain weight and I will not gain or accept weight because of what happened yesterday (Saturday). .. I did not sell my principles and my values. “The footballer did not point to anyone or talk about specific events, but he pointed out the contradictions:” Sooner or later everything will come to light. “
Llaneros’ leader, Juan Carlos Trujillo, publicly denied that there were any irregularities and forgave his players on goal, arguing that they were in shock after scoring the first goal.
Union Magdalena released a statement this Monday saying its “good name and image” should be respected. Denying that it has already been fixed, they say they are ready for trial.
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