La Nación / Present the “Espacio Soho” art platform

La Nación / Present the “Espacio Soho” art platform

“Culture needs spaces where it can develop, display and collect designs. Espacio Soho is a cultural movement that seeks to attract contemporary artists and designers”, expressing the team led by Bethania Ruttia, Claudia Palazón Ruíz and Jazmín Ruíz Díaz.

Called Espacio Soho this platform in Asunción, dedicated to art, design and communication, which opened last Thursday, led by Claudia Balazon Ruiz, MA in Marketing, Consulting and Political Communication, MA in Strategic Communication, has an extensive career in the public sphere Communication, Strategic Communication and Government Communication .

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This cultural movement seeks to be a space for Paraguayan designers and artists to display their work, recognizing that Paraguay has a high creative level that must be visible.

The project is presented by experts in the region: Jasmin Ruiz Diaz, journalist, writer and researcher, PhD candidate in Culture, Media and Creative Industries from King’s College London; and Betania Ratia, MA in Visual Arts and Education in Barcelona, ​​owner of Espacio Creativo Etérea.

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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