Lanza Niorka at the age of 53 years! New calendar for 2021

Lanza Niorka at the age of 53 years!  New calendar for 2021

Beautiful adornment of Cuban origin Neurka ​​Marcus Explain why nobody is still Famous A favorite from all over Mexico, especially for having a gorgeous figure, at the age of 53 she launched a calendar that left more than one with mouths open due to how shocking her beauty was.

Many of his affectionate followers say to him: “Mama NewAnd even she calls herself that, that’s why Neworka She is so loved by her fans who support her in every project she does because she does so with all love and dedication for her fans.

On November 19, 2020, she shared the cover of the aforementioned calendar with great affection, as she appeared with her whole body reviewing her curves, in a small picture. Swimwear The golden color, since starting her career as a dancer, Neworka has always had a somewhat sporty personality, thus defending her position as a vEdit, Because her daily training is to be able to carry out her routine as an artist.

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On the calendar cover, she appears in profile leaning against the wall, her hips slightly raised so that her body “mimics” the letter “S,” to show her personality. “Mama Neo” captured those who saw her in the post, with more than 16,000 “likes” and hundreds of comments, the post became popular with its fans.

If you want to see the picture click here.

Neworka Bebenius Books … NIURKALENDARIO 2021 is available in pre-sale starting Friday at Enjoy this wonderful adventure with me! “

After this post, Niurka also shared some pictures as part of the aforementioned calendar content, and it looks like the concept was something in the urban art style, because the photos were taken near buildings and with a very bold look, among the best grids. Transparencies and others.

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For years, we knew Niurka as an expert dancer, and she had the opportunity to participate in TV shows as a participant and as a judge, as we saw her in Aventurera’s business in 2002 through 2003.

Also read: Niurka is undergoing a renewal, and its parts give a final touch

Neworka was born on November 25, 1967 in Havana, Cuba, and she is currently 53 years old and has such an enviable personality that many women 20 years younger than her would like to have the same number, of course this can always be achieved when they do continuous exercise like her. So is her diet.

Beautiful videos are famous for saying what she thinks without any shame, which is why she is also called the “scandalous woman”, simply because when she is asked about some other celebrity, she gives her honest opinion that she sometimes does not like the person who commented on him about something, which is why he faced On some occasions confrontations with other characters in the environment.

Among some of the names that you might recognize right away because it looks like they’ve been years of comments and responses are Ninel Conde, the list is a bit long, although most of them are the women they appear in, maybe they are the ones who tend to be that way more than that. We also found Laura Zapata, Lyn May, and Lis Vega.

As you well know, Neworka has three children, two of whom appear constantly in her posts, Romina and Emilio, and both like their mother have become stars and influencers, they are sure to start to surprise us a little more and there may be a possibility that they are still more famous than the beautiful Cuban Niurka.

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Muhammad Bourn

"Travel expert. Hobbyist web enthusiast. Incurable pop culture nerd."

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