Launching a Mental Health Center to Serve Students and Parents in Los Angeles | Video | Navigation 34 Los Angeles KMEX

Launching a Mental Health Center to Serve Students and Parents in Los Angeles |  Video |  Navigation 34 Los Angeles KMEX

My mind.Julio Isar Ortiz visitedSpecialized Center.July: Attend classeslearning behaviorHer socio-emotional stateTagged counteract the effectsPandemic in mindyoung students andFamilies, this has been openedmentality of students andfamilies.More than 5000 square feetyour mood.Health centerMental health at heartSan Fernando Valley, where nearFamilies can have itPsychotherapy services.>> Here we continue more than 200schools in this area.Our students mustThey are in good healthto be ready.Investing facilities 11.2million nation.Now, a student to everyoneUp to 12 high school to bebring youThis one and this one from 8/4From the treatment in thisThe center is major. therapist sittingIn that seat, the patienthere and if necessary,Parents quote in this chair andIncluded in treatments.last about 50minutes and a plan is madefrom interference.July: There is a sectioninternal. This supportsDetecting some countriesSentimental that firstappear in circumstancesphysiological.In total, employees from 25 to 30Health service providers will attendFor patients at the center.>> This center is a placeWhere is the treatment.It is very important that everyoneWe understand that we also haveprofessionals and workerssocial workers inschools.July: Services thatPresented in this centermental health wellnessThey are completely free.He has the ability to serveUp to 300 students per week.The phone that appears on the screenIt will take you to get it

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Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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