Lionel Fernandez says “the government doesn’t care about the basics of the Dominican Republic”

Lionel Fernandez says “the government doesn’t care about the basics of the Dominican Republic”

In a meeting with the business community and personalities who make up the external sector of People Power (FP)the head of that political organization Lionel FernandezHe emphasized that the government that directs the fate of the country does not pay attention to the basic things that affect the Dominican Republic, referring to the high costs suffered by the basic family basket and other issues affecting citizens.

He also lamented the lack of support for agriculture, citing as an example the low consumption of local products in the tourism sector.

“In the Dominican Republic, tourism contributes 39% to the growth of the national product, but from what we eat here, from agriculture only 2%, the agricultural sector is doing poorly. In terms of the nutrition of the Dominican people, which is basic and essential, people are worried, anxious, disgusted and not complying because The government doesn’t really care about the basic things for the Dominican people, Fernandez said.

At the meeting he was with Robert RosarioCoordinator of the external sector and member of the Political Directorate of the People’s Police, the leader of the opposition spoke about the great needs of the state of Samana, and referred to the project RD 2044, the works included in this interesting initiative of that coastal province.

He noted that among the necessary works, the construction of a landfill, mainly in Las Terrenas, due to the great importance of tourism in this region of the country. Fernandez said it is unacceptable that Samana does not have an efficient system that guarantees water supplies to all citizens and the tourism sector.

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He also noted the need to rebuild the Samana Corridor and build an Anthropological Museum, among other things.

During his tour of Samana and its municipalities, the People’s Force Chairman swore an oath of hundreds of former PLD leaders and other organizations who decided to join the FP.

Some of the people who have joined the popular force today are: Tony Romero, former amphibious leader; Juan Silvestre and Naval Leon de Leon, both working in the health sector; Eligio Barrett, Junior Azure, Juan Espinal, Maria del Carmen Perua, Juan Espinal and Debbie Carrasco.

Likewise Miguel Miguel, a former professional player; Rafael Antonio Rosario, Giuselito Ciprien, Marcel Morris, Martina Deschmi, Euderca Tavares de la Nuys, Ramiro Hernandez, Beltrano Diaz and Ezel Jimenez, among others.

Provincial leaders of the FJP were present at the swearing-in ceremony; former Senators of the Republic of Prem Pugales and Ramiro Espino; Former FP deputy candidate John Anderson, who thanked attendees for their support and urged them to work tirelessly to achieve victory in 2024.

Aygen Marsh

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