Live broadcast from PlayStation Japan to show FF7RI and Resi Evil Village •

Live broadcast from PlayStation Japan to show FF7RI and Resi Evil Village •

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PlayStation has introduced a detailed Japanese live broadcast that will start new gameplay from Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and Resident Evil Village.

Both games are set to be released on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 this year, and of course Resident Evil Village for PC and Xbox will be launched as well.

Sony will be broadcasting on PlayStation Japan’s YouTube channel on March 21 at 11 AM UK time, and is expected to last around an hour. Capcom Morimasa Sato Director and Square Enix Producer Yoshinori Kitase will also be on hand to chat about the projects.

Resident Evil Village looks very promising and has it She definitely caught the attention of fans recently. We deserve another demo – this time, it’s not exclusive to PlayStation – before the game launches, so we might hear about this next.

Meanwhile, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is A new version of the game was recently revealed that is heading for the PS5 Later this year. Existing owners of FF7 Remake can upgrade for free. The visuals have improved and it will also allow you to purchase new DLC chapters.

You’ll be able to watch the broadcast directly below, and we’ll report any important ads as they happen:

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Tommy Vercetti

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