Madre de Dios: Health Minister oversees vaccination against COVID-19 in Puerto Maldonado | News

Madre de Dios: Health Minister oversees vaccination against COVID-19 in Puerto Maldonado |  News

With the aim of filling the gaps of the third dose, the Ministry of Health, with the support of the Regional Directorate of Health (Diresa) in Madre de Dios, has installed a vaccination point in Puerto Acosta to protect against covid-19 and influenza for fishermen and fishermen. Their relatives who live in the area.

This day was supervised by the President of Mensa, Hernán Condori Machado, who arrived today in Madre de Dios with the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, the President of the Council of Ministers, Aníbal Torres, and other Ministers of State.

And the vaccination law appeared Mr. Francisco Duran, who was a fisherman for 35 years in the United States Puerto AcostaAnd this time he put his shoulder in the presence of the authorities in order to better protect against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Supervision at Jorge Chavez Health Center

After that, Minister Hernán Condori Machado moved to the Jorge Chavez Health Center to supervise the medical services provided to the population and meet the requests of health workers.

As a result of this epidemic we have mental health problems. This is why the health policy is to have a psychologist for every school nationwide. This way we cover the mental health of our children and teens. In addition, in order to work in the field of sexual and reproductive health, I have proposed an obstetrician to each school, to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy,” the minister said, addressing the medical staff.

During the working visit, the President of Minsa toured the fields of gynecology, dentistry, psychology, medicine, pharmacy, among others, accompanied by Director of Diresa de Madre de Dios, Ricardo Tello, and Head of the Health Center Jorge Chavez. Children aged 5 to 11 years old are also provided with an on-site MERS-CoV vaccination service.

At another time, the authority of the health governing body spoke with the parents who were in the health center and asked them to take their children to the vaccination clinics to complete their vaccination schedule. We are all responsible for fighting this virus. We as a ministry get vaccines and health personnel; “And you only bring your children,” he said.

Delivery of medicines and medical equipment

As part of strengthening the hospital’s offering in the Madre de Dios area, the Minsa President has delivered vital medical equipment and accessories for critical patient care at Santa Rosa Hospital, which has a Covid-19 emergency .19 and Temporary Critical Care Environment (AACT).

There is a need to bring in an intensive doctor as it is necessary to support the medical staff in this hospital. We didn’t come to take a picture, but to get in touch with you and find out what situation this hospital is in. “We will come back to provide immediate solutions, and this is what the country needs,” the president said.

For his part, the Minister of Health confirmed that in the government of President Pedro Castillo, 930 sets of intensive care units were purchased, which include beds, mechanical ventilators, respirators and multimeters.

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“For Madre de Dios, we offer 6 groups of intensive care units […] In the same way we bring a ton and a half of medicines. The entire country is supplied with medicines; “There can be no health center or hospital that is lacking in medicines,” Kundori Machado finally added.

(end) NDP / LZD

Izer Hector

"Coffeemaker. Certified Alcoholic. Passionate Foodie. Pop Culture Ninja."

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